Jabber to Email using SleekXMPP

So, why would you even want this..? Well, to be honest, I am not really sure of many use cases for this, however maybe someone, somewhere will need to do something like this, and I would have done my deed and saved someone some time :☀: Introducing SleekXMPP SleekXMPP is a python XMPP framework. It takes a bit to get your head around it, but once you have some basics covered its quite a rewarding library to work with. :) To start, you need to install 2 dependencies. Python Mailer and SleekXMPP itself. Something like pip install mailer sleekxmpp or for the older school, easy_install sleekxmpp mailer should do the trick. It can’t hurt to check if the distro you use has these are packages already too. ...

June 7, 2013 · 6 min · Leon Jacobs