building the bsidescpt17 rf challenge

In this post I want to talk a little about the BSides Cape Town 2017 RFCat challenge and how I went about trying to build a challenge for it. Unfortunately I was not able to able to attend the conference itself, but still had the privilege to contribute in some way! ...

December 13, 2017 · 17 min · Leon Jacobs

sending am-ook using metasploit and rfstransceiver

Towards the end of last year, I found myself playing around with some basic AM/OOK SDR stuff™. That resulted in ooktools being built to help with making some of that work easier and to help me learn. A few days ago, metasploit announced new ‘rftransceiver’ capabilities that were added to the framework with a similar goal of making this research easier. This post is about me playing with these new toys, and as well as releasing a few small modules I wrote. ...

March 24, 2017 · 5 min · Leon Jacobs

ooktools: on-off keying tools for your sdr

In a previous post, I spoke about a simple static key remote and how to replicate its signal using a small python script and RfCat. As part of the work done there, I set out to write a small tool that should help with some of the tasks involved with this process. Lets take a look at ooktools, how to use it and the internals there of. For those in a rush, the repository can be found here: ...

October 8, 2016 · 5 min · Leon Jacobs

reverse engineering static key remotes with gnuradio and rfcat

At defcon24 this year, I impulsively bought myself some new toys. Amongst what I got included a YARD Stick One and a Ubertooth One. I already owned a DVB-T dongle much like this one that I bought at defcon23 the previous year. My interest in Software Defined Radio has long been one of those where I just felt so overwhelmed with the idea for a very long time that I dare not try it. This, together with the fact that its something I totally know nothing about really did make for this bit of research to be pretty daunting at first. Nonetheless, here is my adventure into reverse engineering a plain static key remote and successfully replaying it from my computer. ...

October 2, 2016 · 18 min · Leon Jacobs