sending am-ook using metasploit and rfstransceiver

Towards the end of last year, I found myself playing around with some basic AM/OOK SDR stuff™. That resulted in ooktools being built to help with making some of that work easier and to help me learn. A few days ago, metasploit announced new ‘rftransceiver’ capabilities that were added to the framework with a similar goal of making this research easier. This post is about me playing with these new toys, and as well as releasing a few small modules I wrote. ...

March 24, 2017 · 5 min · Leon Jacobs

Kali Linux Oracle Support

EDIT This guide has been updated to accomodate a few changes (see here) Recently I have had to get Oracle support sorted in my Kali Linux install. I will try not to rant about the reasons why it doesn’t just work out of the box and just get the steps written down quickly. Typically, when you try to use a module such as oracle_login, metasploit may error out with: msf auxiliary(oracle_login) > run [-] Failed to load the OCI library: cannot load such file -- oci8 [-] See for installation instructions [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf auxiliary(oracle_login) > run The link provided seems a little out of date, so here is an updated guide. ...

August 17, 2014 · 3 min · Leon Jacobs