Jabber to Email using SleekXMPP

So, why would you even want this..? Well, to be honest, I am not really sure of many use cases for this, however maybe someone, somewhere will need to do something like this, and I would have done my deed and saved someone some time :☀: Introducing SleekXMPP SleekXMPP is a python XMPP framework. It takes a bit to get your head around it, but once you have some basics covered its quite a rewarding library to work with. :) To start, you need to install 2 dependencies. Python Mailer and SleekXMPP itself. Something like pip install mailer sleekxmpp or for the older school, easy_install sleekxmpp mailer should do the trick. It can’t hurt to check if the distro you use has these are packages already too. ...

June 7, 2013 · 6 min · Leon Jacobs

How To: Extremely simple python Jabber Broadcast Bot

Bots! Bots! Bots! Generally speaking, a ‘‘bot’’ is something that like does work for you. But, for this purpose, the need for a jabber bot came from the fact that I had to deal with a lot of email on a daily basis. This large amount of mail sometimes would cause me to completely miss critical mail alerts. Realising later that I could have prevented a catastrophe if I didn’t miss that one email was just not on anymore. So, I started investigating ways to get the important stuff delivered faster. As a team at work, we have long gone dropped the whole Skype group chat thing for our own Jabber server. My privacy related concerns back then was recently heightened here when a trap URL received a HEAD request from The user that received the URL in a chat was under strict instructions not to actually click it… ...

May 25, 2013 · 4 min · Leon Jacobs