objection - runtime mobile exploration

In this post, I want to introduce you to a toolkit that I have been working on, called objection. The name being a play on the words “object” and “injection”. objection is a runtime exploration toolkit powered by Frida, aimed at mobile platforms. objection aims to allow you to perform various security related tasks on unencrypted iOS applications, at runtime, on non-jailbroken iOS devices as well as Android applications on Android devices. Features include inspecting the application specific keychain, as well as inspecting various artifacts left on disk during (or after) execution. ...

July 11, 2017 · 4 min · Leon Jacobs

a trivial iOS jailbreak detection bypass

introduction Not too long ago, I toyed with a Android root detection bypass. In a similar scenario, I was poking at a iOS application that also had some root detection built in. For very much the same purpose, I suppose the application has its own ~reasons~ for the jailbreak detection. Of course, this makes the testing I actually wanted to do impossible as I’d very much like to dig under the hood :) So, its was time to try and bypass the jailbreak detection of the application. All I had to work with was a .ipa. Similar to the android .apk file, the .ipa is also just a zipped up archive of the actual application files. To test with, I had a iPad mini. The iPad was running the latest iOS (8.1.2 at the time of this post) and was also jailbroken. If I remember correctly the jailbreak tool used was called TaiG. Anyways, inside the applications .ipa archive was a whole bunch of resource files and what not, including the compiled application executable. This executable is what is of interest. ...

February 20, 2015 · 6 min · Leon Jacobs