playing exploit-exercises - nebula

introduction Recently I decided I wanted to have a look at what Exploit Exercises had to offer. I was after the memory corruption related exploitation stuff to play with, until I saw the details for Nebula. Nebula covers a variety of simple and intermediate challenges that cover Linux privilege escalation, common scripting language issues, and file system race conditions. I did not really have a lot of time on my hands and figured I should start with the “easy” stuff. Many of the levels Nebula presented were in fact very, very easy. However, towards final levels my knowledge was definitely being tested. Levels started taking much longer to complete as I was yet again realizing that the more you learn, the more you realize you you still have to learn. :) This is the path I took to solve the 20 challenges. ...

May 8, 2015 · 47 min · Leon Jacobs