Nmap’s greppable output is really handy. Saving greppable output from a scan means the output is delimited in a way that can be easily processed using tools such as grep, sed, cut and awk.

This post shows a few examples of post scan processing of the greppable output produced with the -oG flag. A more up to date repository with examples and command explanations can be found in my awesome-nmap-grep github repository.

keep in mind

All of the below commands assume an environment variable NMAP_FILE is set. This is simply the location of the output from nmaps -oG.

Count Number of Open Ports



egrep -v "^#|Status: Up" $NMAP_FILE | cut -d' ' -f2 -f4- | \
sed -n -e 's/Ignored.*//p' | \
awk -F, '{split($0,a," "); printf "Host: %-20s Ports Open: %d\n" , a[1], NF}' \
| sort -k 5 -g


Host:            Ports Open: 16

Top 10 Open Ports



egrep -v "^#|Status: Up" $NMAP_FILE | cut -d' ' -f4- | \
sed -n -e 's/Ignored.*//p' | tr ',' '\n' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | \
sort -n | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -r | head -n 10


1 9001/open/tcp//tor-orport?///
1 9000/open/tcp//cslistener?///
1 8080/open/tcp//http-proxy///
1 80/open/tcp//http//Caddy/
1 6379/open/tcp//redis//Redis key-value store/
1 631/open/tcp//ipp//CUPS 2.1/
1 6234/open/tcp/////
1 58377/filtered/tcp/////
1 53/open/tcp//domain//dnsmasq 2.76/
1 49153/open/tcp//mountd//1-3/

Hosts and Open Ports



egrep -v "^#|Status: Up" $NMAP_FILE | cut -d' ' -f2 -f4- | \
sed -n -e 's/Ignored.*//p'  | \
awk '{print "Host: " $1 " Ports: " NF-1; $1=""; for(i=2; i<=NF; i++) { a=a" "$i; }; split(a,s,","); for(e in s) { split(s[e],v,"/"); printf "%-8s %s/%-7s %s\n" , v[2], v[3], v[1], v[5]}; a="" }'


Host: Ports: 16
open     tcp/22    ssh
open     tcp/53    domain
open     tcp/80    http
open     tcp/443   https
open     tcp/631   ipp
open     tcp/3306  mysql
open     tcp/4767  unknown
open     tcp/6379
open     tcp/8080  http-proxy
open     tcp/8081  blackice-icecap
open     tcp/9000  cslistener
open     tcp/9001  tor-orport
open     tcp/49152 unknown
open     tcp/49153 unknown
filtered tcp/54695
filtered tcp/58369

As mentioned in the beginning, more up to date examples are available in the awesome-nmap-grep github repository.