Console all the things!

First and foremost, I will start with a warning. Like any other virtualization software, you risk leaving the console open. This is a often overlooked part of securing your infrastructure. An administrator may have been required to do some work on the virtual console, and forget to log out. What if that account that is still logged in, is r00t? Having administrative access to a VM Host gives you access to the consoles, but not necessarily to the guests. Remember to log out! Or, setup shells to auto-logout after a few minutes of inactivity.

Example virsh console access

Once setup, accessing consoles can be as easy as connecting via SSH to your server. Firing up the virsh client, and connecting to the console:

# a primitive virsh console access example
$ virsh --connect qemu:///system
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.

Type:  'help' for help with commands
       'quit' to quit

 Id    Name                           State
 6     console-test                   running

virsh # console console-test
Connected to domain console-test
Escape character is ^]

CentOS release 6.4 (Final)
Kernel 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64 on an x86_64

localhost.localdomain login: root
Last login: Sat Aug  3 08:31:13 on ttyS0
[root@localhost ~]$

You can escape the console by pressing ^], which will drop you back into the virsh shell.

# virsh guest console escape
[root@localhost ~]$ echo "testing123"
[root@localhost ~]$                       # I pressed ^] here
virsh #

Ok, gimme ze commands already…

This I have tested on CentOS 6.4. The 2 commands to get it setup would be:

# Enabling KVM Console access
$ cat > /etc/init/ttyS0.conf << EOL
# ttyS0 - agetty
# This service maintains a agetty on ttyS0.

stop on runlevel [S016]
start on runlevel [23]

exec agetty -h -L -w /dev/ttyS0 115200 vt102
$ grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args='console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0'

Now, you can reboot the server and connect to the domains console via virsh. If all went well, you should be seeing kernel messages and eventually service starts up’s, followed by a login prompt in the console.

If rebooting is not a option, you can enable it on the fly, after saving ttyS0.conf with $ initctl start ttyS0 as root.

The grubby command is not mandatory, however this is what allows you to see the kernel messages as the guest boots. I highly recommend it.

I have console, but can’t log in as root

If you followed this guide, then that would in fact be the case. Logging in directly as root is not something I would recommend. Rather log in as a unprivileged user, and su/sudo up to root. In some cases however it is actually necessary. So, to fix this problem, simply add ttyS0 as a “securetty” in /etc/securetty by running: $ echo "ttyS0" >> /etc/securetty. This will allow root logins via the virsh console.

serial.conf has the answers

If you are looking for more in-depth explanations as to how this works, I suggest you take a look at /etc/init/serial.conf (again on CentOS 6.4). You’ll notice the configuration for ttyS0.conf also comes from here :)